Bakt, the Necromancer

Bakt Naunet

as she is most recently depicted in ToS
Pronouns She/Her
Aliases Bakt, the Necromancer
Role Necromancer
Age Unknown
Species Witch citation needed
Origin Ancient Egypt1
Status Alive
Purpose Major character
First Appearance The Gathering of the Coven: Chapter Tworead here
Appears in The Gathering of the Coven: Chapter Two
The Mysterious Being
Goal To fulfill her thirst for blood
Affiliation The Kingdom of Egypt (formerly), the Witch's Coven (present)
"Hole? You look like a peasant in your tattered robes, while I am wearing gems and gold!"
— Bakt, to the Witch

Bakt, the Necromancer, is a major character in the Story of Salem. She first appeared in "The Gathering of the Coven: Chapter Two" and has appeared in every installment since then. She represents the Necromancer skin as well as the Necromancer role.

Table of Contents
  • 1. Personality
  • 2. History
  • 3. Relationships


Information about our beloved motherfucker.



The Gathering of the Coven: Chapter Two

The Mysterious Being


The Witch



The Plaguebearer

Town of Salem Characters

Major Characters

The WitchHelena, the Hex MasterMedusa, the GorgonNikki, the Potion MasterKande, the Poisoner • Bakt, the Necromancer • The Plaguebearer

Minor Characters

The DonAlabasterSantaRobot SantaThe SheriffBeelzebubUrielSanta's Little HelperJack Frost